

In our daily lives, the body remains a misconception, according to the Canadian cultural theorist, philosopher, and artist Erin Manning: "The body is [...] always in co-constellation with the environment [...] not a form in itself. And yet, we inevitably use the concept as a shorthand way of speaking - how else can we talk about issues of agency, identity, territoriality?"

The detailed specificity of my responses to the environment and their varying intensities suggest that behind every movement lies a unique history with the different landscapes through which I have moved. Each movement carries traces of reflexes, unconscious actions, and subtle corrections of our body. In the rhythm of our everyday gestures, we find the echoes of landscapes traversed, shaping our bodies in an ongoing dance of interaction. This dance, layered with history and marked by the environment, speaks to the profound entanglement of our bodies with the world, illustrating that movement is not just physical but a narrative of lived experience.

Soundscape: Koen Nutters
Performer:   Clarinde Wesselink

Rooted premiered on March 14th, 2023, at AKINCI gallery, Amsterdam. 


photos by Baltasar Thomas